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Georgia Recreation Center project started smoothly



    Georgia Recreation Center project, constructed of Zhejiang HangXiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd., recently successfully completed the hoisting for the first steel columns and held a groundbreaking ceremony. Director of Hualing Group, Mr. Mi Enjiang, fully affirmed HXSS’ preparatory work for the project, Hangxiao and also believe that HXSS will achieve better results in this project.

    Georgia Recreation Center project is located in the southeast of Tbilisi City ,adjacent to Tbilisi sea. It’s a supporting project of Georgia Youth Olympic Village Hotel. Georgia Youth Olympic Village Hotel is also built by Zhejiang HangXiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd., and was successfully capped at the end of 2013. Youth Olympic Village Hotel and Recreation Centre will be used in the  13th European Youth Olympic Games in 2015. During the construction, BOCOG and local government visited the construction site to inspect twice.

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