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Contract section I of Ningdong tianshuibao project of Yinbai Expressway


Yinbai highway project is located in Gaoshawo Town, Yanchi County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia, mainly including No. 2 bridge of the main line, No. 2 bridge of ramp C and No. 2 bridge of ramp G. The No. 2 bridge of the main line is 127m long and 2 × 16.75m, the width of flange plate on steel longitudinal beam is 450mm, and the plate thickness is 14 ~ 36mm; The width of the lower flange plate is 650mm and the plate thickness is 20 ~ 44mm; Cross beams are set between two I-shaped longitudinal beams with a standard spacing of 5m. The minimum net height under the designed bridge is not less than 5.2m. The No. 2 bridge of ramp C is 13m wide and the No. 2 bridge of ramp G is 10.5m wide. The bridge length is 157m. The minimum net height under the designed bridge is not less than 5.2m

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